Real Women Don't Wear Dresses: Discussed.Parental Abandonment: Her mother was forced to abandon Anevia when she was twelve in a temple of Desna in order to keep her safe from the Silent Shroud monks who came to take her.Love at First Sight: She describes she fell hard for Irabeth right when they first met.
Lovable Rogue: She's very easygoing and likes to crack jokes and goof around.As she says, dividing their forces and depriving the Commander of a skilled companion trumps the lives of a few Crusaders.
I Did What I Had to Do: She knows about Camelia being a Serial Killer but lets the Commander decide their fate. She gets back in shape by the time the party is back in Kenabres. After all, she doesn't need her leg to shoot. It doesn't stop her from being a Guest-Star Party Member for the tutorial. Handicapped Badass: Her leg ends up broken when she falls down into the Kenabres underground after Deskari opens a chasm in the city.
but, realistically, that's not much of a problem. Unlike the rest of the party, the player can't control her.
Guest-Star Party Member: She accompanies and fights along with the Commander, Seelah and Camellia during the tutorial until they reach Neathholm. It's likely that the Elixir and this Medicine are one and the same, given that Anevia's 'sickness' is too personal for her to share the details with someone she hasn't known for at least a decade. Neither one will outright address it in-game without an extremely difficult Diplomacy check in Chapter 5 note The DC is 50, which in the tabletop game is the equivelent of something extremely difficult, even for a legendary hero, but when you bring Irabeth the scabbard of her family sword she mentions that she pawned it to pay for a 'medicine' for Anevia. Irabeth got her an elixir of sex shift as a wedding present. Easy Sex Change: Anevia was canonically assigned male at birth while identifying as female. It wasn't until she met Irabeth that she found purpose in her life. But the lifestyle was so lonely she was almost Driven to Suicide. The Drifter: Spent most of her life aimlessly drifting Golarion while doing odd jobs for a living. Downer Ending: In the True Aeon ending, Anevia never meets Irabeth and dies in obscurity at the hands of some beast or cutthroat, never having found any real happiness. As a result, she is extremely capable of carrying new players who are just learning the ropes of the game engine in the tutorial area. Crutch Character: Despite her broken leg, she's a 4th-level rogue when your party consists of 1st-level adventurers. Boyish Short Hair: She has short black hair to go along with her Tomboy attitude. Battle Couple: She's married to Irabeth, the commander of the Eagle Watch and they often fight together against the demon forces. Action Girl: An extremely skilled and deadly archer, even with a broken leg. Her defenses are also augmented by her sword and shield weapon specializations, making her the primary tank in Wrath of the Righteous.A scout for the Eagle Watch who investigates cult activities in Kenabres. As a Paladin, Seelah is designed to be on the front lines, utilizing melee and her healing spells to sustain a front line. In terms of tactics, Seelah is probably the most straightforward companion in the game when it comes to her role. Seelah’s resolve allows her to see the good in everyone she can judge, but she is never judgmental, allowing her to push for redemption for all. Unlike most Paladins, Seelah’s character is one that is mostly cheerful and friendly, despite a very tragic past that includes a life of hardships, theft, and death. In this case, Seelah is a Paladin of the goddess Iomedae. Like Amiri before her, Seelah is one of the iconic characters in Pathfinder, a character created specifically to feature their chosen class. TechRaptor have made an overview of the 10 companions that we know of now for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous.